The Motherland
Fashion + Style Monday Must-Haves

buy this: throw pillows

Despite not being a designer or even remotely close to it, I’m a huge fan of throw pillows and like to think of them as my little trick into making my home look chic. They also tend to drive my husband crazy. He can’t understand their purpose since clearly we don’t ever need to use all of them, but I think they’re a great, fairly inexpensive way to dress up a space.

I have been seeing so many stylish options, ranging from different textures to bright colors and interesting prints. Instead of buying actual pillows, pillow covers are a great option that make switching out the look of your room super easy.

I’ve also toyed with the idea of sewing my own but first need to get a sewing machine so for now I’m gathering inspiration from all the pretty pillows already made and ready to ship. Am I the only one crazy for throw pillows?

1 & 2 arianna belle | 3 & 4 district 17 | 5 luula | 6 society 6 | 7 & 8 zgallerie | 9 & 10 west elm

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