The Motherland

do this: summer bucket list

Now that summer is almost officially here, I’ve been daydreaming about everything I’d like to do and see. I’m going to try and pack a lot in since come September I will be heading back to school and a much busier schedule. I saw a few blog posts about a summer bucket list and I thought it’d be a great idea to write down my hopes for this summer, with the plan being it will keep me accountable to accomplish at least most of them. Just thinking about these plans and visualizing them is getting me more and more excited. Summer 2013 should be a fun one! Here goes…

1) Go somewhere new every weekend 

I’ve lived in California for more than two years and I know I’ve still got a ton to see! I’d love to take little day trips to finally see more of the Golden State. 

2) Read all the books I’ve been meaning to 

Remember this list? Yea I have really got to get cracking on that. Summertime reading by the pool is the best way to get caught up.

3) Try a new adventure

Along with exploring the state, we have a few out of town trips planned including Bermuda and Hawaii! My husband is a certified scuba diver but I’m way too chicken. To get a glimpse of the underwater world I’d love to try snorkeling. Jet skiing and surfing are also on my list.

4) Visit and reconnect with friends

I’m flying to New York in late July and I absolutely can’t wait! I’m looking forward to catching up with my family and friends and taking in the Beyonce concert with a few of my ladies πŸ™‚

5) Spend time with family

I’m adding this to the bucket list even though I already know for sure it’s going to happen but I’m still stoked about it. My family and I are embarking on only our 2nd family vacation EVER. We are traveling to Bermuda for a close friend’s wedding and I’m so happy that my entire large family will be there to celebrate together.

6) Perfect a recipe 

A friend once gave me some great advice when it comes to cooking. Learn how to make one dish really, really well and people will think you are an amazing cook. Since I’m already working on my culinary skills, perfecting a recipe would be a great way to boost my cooking confidence.

7) Get caught up on shows I’ve been meaning to watch

This is probably the opposite of what I should be doing with my summer vacation, but I’d really like to get caught up with a few hyped up TV shows I’ve just never had the time to get into. First on my list is definitely Mad Men. I’ve seen a few episodes but would love to spend a few evenings watching it from the beginning.

8) Go skydiving

This is technically my husband’s bucket list dream but since he already bought the tickets I have to suck it up and go. He’s been twice before so although I am completely terrified, he reassures me it will be fine. I’m sure after I go the feeling will be awesome, but for now I will remain in fear until I land safely on the ground.

9) Become a better photographer

In another life I swear I would be a designer or photographer. I am obsessed with the art of photography and everything that goes into it. Though I know I probably don’t have a professional future in this medium, I’d love to practice my currently very amateur skills and continue to learn and grow.

10) Relax and enjoy myself

Starting in September, my life will be very different which is exactly why above all I really want to relax and enjoy my summer.

I can’t wait to start checking these things off my list and most importantly soak in every second of summer with my husband and loved ones by my side. I know everyone says this but I can’t help repeat it because it’s so damn true, life goes by very fast. It’s important to remember to sit back, relax and enjoy the show πŸ™‚

Happy summer everyone!

photo sources: wingshawaii text by me, mashbytiffany, my fotolog, simply boho, darwin harrison via enjoy events co, fairmont southampton, flickr, le blog, flickr, pinterest source unknown, swim class

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  • Reply
    Mags Pomichowski
    May 30, 2013 at 8:03 am

    Amazing post! You have inspired me to be develop a summer bucket list. I have some trips planned already, one of which is to NYC as well. The list I know would keep accountable and make the summer that much better.


  • Reply
    May 30, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    Thanks Magda!! Yes that is the whole goal to stay accountable πŸ™‚ can't wait to see your list!! xoxo

  • Reply
    May 30, 2013 at 9:11 pm

    Yesss watch Mad Men! It's so different than anything else on TV and so good. I also love the tip about perfecting a recipe. Lots and lots of reading is definitely on my list, too.

    Lisa @ Elle Sees

  • Reply
    May 31, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    Yes so I've heard! I've seen a few episodes and enjoyed them so I can't wait to check out more. And now I just have to decide what recipe I want to perfect lol Good luck on your reading also!
    xoxo, Kasia

  • Reply
    Magdalena Viktoria
    May 31, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    Great idea and list! You've inspired me to do a list as well.

  • Reply
    May 31, 2013 at 11:39 pm

    Thank you Magda! Would love to see yours πŸ™‚

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