The Motherland
Happy Weekend

have an eventful weekend

Can’t believe in only one more week summer is officially over. Lets all cry in unison shall we? My husband and I have one more trip to look forward to before I head back to school and I’m hustling to get everything done. Here are some things I’ve been reading this week..

I definitely had a flashback to my youth when I saw this, a Delia’s catalog circa 1996. Nice.

This video is absolutely adorable.

Some great tips for cooking over a campfire.

Homemade deodorant.

A great tumblr found via Design Mom.

15 things happy people don’t do.

Can’t believe this is even possible but I guess I am now old enough to live in an age where some people have no knowledge of NSYNC. haha.

Kelly Osbourne’s new look is making me itch for a new hairdo.

Clearly happiness was on my mind this week, here are 10 simple things to try to be more joyful.

Would love to try this delicious recipe.

Some great looks to inspire you to wear white before Labor Day (if you follow that silly rule that is.)

Happy weekend everyone!

Image via Crush Cul De Sac

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