The Motherland

do this: learn how to code

My sister sent me this incredible video and I had to share it here. I couldn’t agree more with the message: learning how to code is KEY in today’s ever-changing, technology-dependent world. Seriously I think I will send my future children to computer boot camp to ensure they get a head start on learning! Look around us, almost every single job out there requires computer skills. Imagine being able to create things, like websites and programs, that people need and use everyday. Theses skills set you apart and lead to some amazing career opportunities. Living in Silicon Valley I know firsthand how important these skill sets are, and trust me I WISH I had them. I sometimes wonder how different my life would have turned out if I pursued a different career path in college. But alas, you’re never too old to start right? I have a bit of experience in web development but would love to beef up my skills with some coding knowledge and no time is better than the present. After watching this I’m more inspired than ever. For more information check out, I know I will.

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