The Motherland
Personal Travel

Do you love where you live?

A few weeks ago, after traveling to visit my parents in Arizona, I posted on Instagram about how I could envision my family and I living in many different places.

I loved reading through the comments and seeing what other people’s experiences are like and it got me thinking about the question: Do you love where you live?

That question brings up a very complex tangle of emotions for me. But if I’m being completely honest, do I love where I live? The answer is no, I don’t. But I also don’t know if it’s possible for me to do so? If that makes sense.

You see, I’ve moved several times in my life and in the process have developed ties to a variety of places. I love and appreciate each for many different reasons. My first big move was at the age of 6, when my family and I moved to the United States from Poland. From there, I moved from New York to New Jersey at age 10 and in the biggest move in my adult life, moved to the West Coast — from New Jersey to Arizona. Finally, one more move brought me to California and I’ve been here ever since. As you can see, I’ve hopped around quite a bit. 

My fondest memories are those made in New York and New Jersey because that was were I spent my youth and adolescence and where to this day many of my closest family and friends live. So my heart always aches for the city I love filled with people I love as well. But I know it’s not realistic for my family and I at this point in our lives to relocate there, so I think I remain wistful and romanticize it a bit.

The two moves in my adulthood (move to Arizona at age 19 and move to California at age 24) were fundamental in shaping my experiences and preferences. I’ve definitely embraced the West Coast lifestyle (those harsh winters seem like a distant memory and I’m especially grateful to live in a warmer climate when I see news reports of all the cold weather the East Coast is experiencing.) But at the same time, the fast pace, the walkability and just the vibe of New York are what I miss tremendously. The crazy cost of living is probably what I hate most about living in the Bay Area because the prices for average people are just astronomical. We don’t have the tech millions needed to thrive in this area and I get annoyed that the prices are just that high in the first place. But my husband grew up here and obviously has deep connections here so for the near future, we are here.

They say “home is where the heart is” and I truly don’t know where my heart lies. I’m open to relocating to so many places because I figure as long as I’m with my husband and our children, it doesn’t really matter where we are. I also have a bit of a wanderlust to experience different lifestyles and am constantly imagining what life would be like if we lived (insert name of city here.) I’m so jealous of people that do love where they live and are content being in the place they call home. What does that feel like I wonder? Will I ever know? Only time will tell I suppose.

How about you, do you love where you live?

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Sarah Jewett
    May 29, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    I love that wherever your family is at, is where Home is. It’s such truth. I also love Arizona- I live in Washington State & love it here. Though I feel like I could move to AZ, but my Mom & sister would have to come too! Can’t live without them. Except, we’ve all got families now. HOME is wherever YOU are.

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